(Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action)

Newsletter > Newsletter Nr. 3
European UnionBaltic Sea Region
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument). eu.baltic.net

In addition, the project is supported by the German Federal Programm Transnational Cooperation of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. www.interreg.de

Upcoming Urb.Energy Events

The Berlin Seminar: Experiences about Integrated and Energy Efficient Upgrading of Neighbourhoods

21/22 October 2010 - Berlin

The Berlin Seminar will cover and deepen the topic of energy efficiency within an integrated urban development process. On the first day of the seminar the Berlin concept of integrated planning will be presented on the bases of the Case Study Berlin. A review of the integrated planning process from 1990 until today will be given while the integral elements of energy efficiency and financial
instruments will be recessed. Scientific experts, political and societal stakeholders as well as representatives of the housing industry will present cutting-edge results.
On the second day an excursion to good practice examples in the Land Brandenburg will be undertaken and a workshop will be held within the frame of WP 3 with all respective partners. Hosts of the Berlin Seminar are the Center of Competence for Major Housing Estates and the Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture of Brandenburg.


WP4-workshop in Grodno

17/18 November 2010 – Grodno/Lida

The workshop in Grodno offers the possibility to reflect Belarusian urban development approaches in relation to EU experiences.
Host of the workshop will be the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, Housing Department

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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action
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