Initiative started to intensify exchange among BSR-projects dealing with sustainability
The representatives of the five projects BaltCICA, Longlife, PEA, SPIN and Urb.Energy signed on 11 August 2010 a Memorandum of Understanding about an enhanced future cooperation. Objective of the intensified exchange among these projects is to inform each other about the proceedings and the results of the projects and to use possible synergies for a mutual benefit. In the frame of the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 the five projects are dealing with strategies for a sustainable development with a special focus on energy and resource saving issues in consideration of the climate change.
As a first step of the cooperation the project Longlife invited the other projects to present their current work at the international conference of Longlife that took place in St.Petersburg on 24 June 2010. Based on this first activity the lead partner of the five projects will identify in the coming months intersections between the thematic works of the projects and assess the possibility of a further capitalization of results.
In order to introduce the five cooperating projects to the Urb.Energy partners we would like to use the opportunity of the present newsletter and give you a short overview about the focal point of the projects’ work and contact data.
Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region
Focus of the project:
Improve the ability to deal with the impacts of climate change, assess impacts of the climate change and elaborate adequate response mechanisms.
Sustainable, energy efficient and resource saving residential buildings with consideration of unified procedures and new and adapted technologies
Focus of the project:
Longlife optimizes methods for buildings and construction, adapt and implement new technologies and harmonize building procedures. These will lead to reduction of the energy consumption and minimize the operational costs during the building’s lifecycle. Longlife will also tackle financing of sustainable residential buildings through various EU funds.
Public Energy Alternatives - Sustainable energy strategies as a chance for regional development
Focus of the project:
To foster regional development through reduction of energy related costs as well as promotion of value chains based on renewable energy resources and sustainable technological innovations.
Sustainable Production through Innovation in SMEs
Focus of the project:
Support of small and medium-sized enterprises to implement eco-innovations. The key issue of the project is the transnational matchmaking of offer and demand of such innovations by SPIN instruments, e.g. innovation database and industry workshops.
Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action
Focus of the project:
Development of integrated concepts and strategies for the comprehensive energy efficient renewal of existing residential areas in the Baltic Sea Region.