(Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action)

Newsletter > Newsletter Nr. 4
European UnionBaltic Sea Region
Dieses Projekt wird von der Europäischen Union kofinanziert (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung und Europäisches Nachbarschafts- und Partnerschaftsinstrument). eu.baltic.net

Das Projekt wird darüber hinaus durch das Bundesprogramm „Transnationale Zusammenarbeit“ des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung gefördert. www.interreg.de


Dear Reader,

With the beginning of the New Year also the third and last year of Urb.Energy’s project duration has started. After an analysis of the current situation in seven sample residential areas and the assessment of possible technical solutions and financial support possibilities, the project partners are now concretizing tailor-made concepts for the energy related modernization of the target areas. For this reason the main focus of this issue of the Urb.Energy newsletter is on the presentation of the seven sample neighbourhoods.

On the following pages we provide you with a short description of each target area and its specific challenges, potentials and perspec-tives for an integrated upgrading.

Even though the different neighbourhoods have certain concordances – the majority of them are residential areas and predominately characterized by the typical multi-apartment buildings of the soviet time – each area has to deal with the specific situation on the spot and to develop its own approaches for the general target of the project: A more efficient use of energy and an enhancement of the overall living quality in the neighbourhoods.

Based on the experiences in the specific target areas the project partners will jointly develop in the next thirteen months re-commendations for the implementation of integrated approaches for neighbourhoods in the Baltic Sea Region.

Enjoy reading

The Urb.Energy Team

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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action
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