(Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action)

Events > Informational event in Brussels

Informational event of Urb.Energy in Brussels

On March 25th 2011, the informational event of Urb.Energy on „Sustainable energy solutions in the urban and regional context – reflection on EU support“ was organized in the Representation of the Land Brandenburg to the EU in Brussels, Belgium.

More than 35 participants took part in the event, which was opened by the hosts of the event Ms. Dr. Gundula Herwig of the Representation of the Land Brandenburg to the EU and Mr. Christian Huttenloher, the secretary general of the German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development.

Afterwards, Mr. Huttenloher introduced the event with a view on sustainable energy solutions in the urban context. As key note speaker Mr. Lars Porsche from the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) stressed in his presentation the potentials and fields of activities of energy related urban renewal.  

In the second part of the event practical experiences from the transnational cooperation projects INTERREG IVB were presented. Mr. Huttenloher presented the experiences of the project Urb.Energy and Mr. René Daszenies spoke about experiences of promotion of renewable energy sources within the project PEA.

The panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Hans-Jörg Duvigneau from the Competence Center for Major Housing Estates. There two representatives of the EU Commission Ms. Michaela Holl and Ms. Maud Skäringer discussed with Mr. Andrzej Rajkewicz and Mr. Peter Busch what can be learned from the findings of the presented projects for the EU support policy.   


Michael Färber, German association for housing, urban and spatial development


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