(Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action)

Events > Partner Meeting in Berlin
European UnionBaltic Sea Region
Dieses Projekt wird von der Europäischen Union kofinanziert (Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung und Europäisches Nachbarschafts- und Partnerschaftsinstrument). eu.baltic.net

Das Projekt wird darüber hinaus durch das Bundesprogramm „Transnationale Zusammenarbeit“ des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung gefördert. www.interreg.de

Urb.Energy Partner Meeting in Berlin

On 29th and 30th September 2011, a partner meeting took place in Berlin. The event, which started with a working dinner on the evening of 29th September, first of all served to present and discuss the current state of the main project outputs, i.e. the policy paper and the transnational manuals.

Furthermore, project management issues were discussed, the project closure phase and the time frame as well as content of the final project conference. This final project event will take place in Riga, Latvia on 1st and 2nd December 2011.

Please find below the minutes of the meeting and a photo gallery. The presentations are available for download in the partner section.


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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action
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