(Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action)

Publications and Downloads > Calculation tool & expert list
European UnionBaltic Sea Region
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument). eu.baltic.net

In addition, the project is supported by the German Federal Programm Transnational Cooperation of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. www.interreg.de

Calculation tool to determine key energy values

Within the framework of the project Urb.Energy, the Center of Competence for Major Housing Estates with its associated partners developed a calculation tool which evaluates and depicts the results of integrated urban development as well as energy efficient refurbishment measures implemented in the past twenty years in two residential areas in Berlin.

This model is a simple scheme, which produces an overview of the energy situation of an entire city district, regardless of its respective building structure. It gives the owners and especially the municipalities the opportunity to achieve a basic overview on the situation as regards energy efficiency in an urban district and to formulate priorities for necessary actions.

The benefits of the tool for transnational cooperation of cities are diverse. Not only can it be used by municipalities for an entire city area to compare neighborhoods, develop neighborhood-specific strategies and set priorities for urban development policies. It also helps to make the locally achieved data, values and results transnationally comparable.

If you are interested to receive the calculation tool, please contact the Center of Competence for Major Housing Estates or Urb.Energy project coordinator.

User instructions - calculation tool

Sample screen of the calculation tool

List of Experts

In the final project phase a list of all partners and institutions which cooperated in the Urb.Energy project has been compiled. It includes the key expertise and knowledge of the respective institutions.

Urb.Energy Expert List

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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action
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