City of Riga
Riga is a modern metropolis with a rich cultural and historical heritage. The aim of the city administration is to turn Riga into an active and competitive educational and cultural center, to develop a highly efficient city administration, and to preserve Riga as a green city.
City of Riga has the area of 307km² and the population of 715 978 residents (population density 2 367 res./km²). At the end of the year 2007 there were 323 054 households or 17 296 500 m² of living area in Riga with growth index of 2% per year of the housing stock total area. 6% of the housing stock are one and two apartment residential buildings; 94% of the housing stock are houses with three or more flats; most of the multi-apartment buildings were built from 1950 to 1990. There are 6000 buildings or 12mil.m² of living area in need of renovation with the approximate costs of 615 mil.LVL (evaluation by Riga Energy Agency).
District heating system in Riga is a 2-pipe network with an indirect connection to consumers by heat exchangers, 13% losses and 8 158 individual consumer heat substations of which 98.3% are modernized. The average heating consumption of district heating consumers is 212 kWh/m². Total energy consumption of residential buildings in Riga consists of 10% electricity power, 4% natural gas for kitchens, 86% space heating and hot water consumption.
Urb.Energy project considers the Jugla neighborhood, which is one of the 59 neighborhoods of Riga with the area of 14 km², population of 27 250 residents (population density 1 900res./km²) and energy consumption of buildings 211kWh/m².
Riga City Council consists of 60 councilors elected for a four-year term. Riga City Council has 8 departments and 10 agencies. In the Urb.Energy project Riga City Council participates in form of the City Development Department, “Riga Energy Agency” and SIA “Pilsetbuvnieks” in cooperation with building experts in Latvia.
City of RigaValdis Hofmarks
Ratslaukums 1
Riga 1539
Fon: +371-671-05122
Fax: +371-671-05109