Urb.Energy Results
Current state of the project progress
Concept development
Transnational dissemination
Thematic area: Integrated urban development (WP3)
- Rakvere
- Partner:
- City of Rakvere
- Output:
- Analysis of Potentials and Constraints of the Target Area
- Documents:
- Urb Energy, Rakvere – analytical description on Seminari Street. SWOT analysis (PDF 1 MB)
- Output:
- Integrated urban development concept for the target area
- Documents:
- WP3 Integreeritud linnalise arengu kontseptsioon (PDF 1 MB)
- WP3 IUDC Rakvere SUMMARY (PDF 748 KB)
- Riga
- Partner:
- City of Riga
- Output:
- Analysis of Potentials and Constraints of the Target Area
- Documents:
- JUGLA Neighbourhood. Baseline review (PDF 6 MB)
- Output:
- Integrated urban development concept for the target area
- Documents:
- Sustainable Development Concept for Jugla Neighbourhood (PDF 58 KB)
- Integrated Urban Development Concept of Jugla (PDF 1 MB)
- Integrēta pilsētas attīstības koncepcija Juglai (PDF 1 MB)
- Jelgava
- Partner:
- City of Jelgava
- Output:
- Analysis of Potentials and Constraints of the Target Area
- Documents:
- Summary of SWOT Jelgava (PDF 303 KB)
- Analysis of the Target Area (PDF 9 MB)
- Output:
- Integrated urban development concept for the target area
- Documents:
- WP3 Daudzstāvu dzīvojamo teritoriju Jelgavas centra zonā integrētas attīstības koncepcija (PDF 1 MB)
- WP3 IUDC for Jelgava TA. Summary (PDF 313 KB)
- Siauliai
- Partner:
- Siauliai City Municipality Administration
- Output:
- Analysis of Potentials and Constraints of the Target Area
- Documents:
- Analysis and SWOT of the target areas in Šiauliai 1 (PDF 302 KB)
- Analysis and SWOT of the target areas in Šiauliai 2 (PDF 795 KB)
- Output:
- Integrated Urban Development Concepts (IUDC) for the Target Area
- Documents:
- Teritorijos tarp Vytuto, Žemaites, Miglovaros ir M. Valanciaus gatviu Šiauliuose detalusis planas (PDF 1 MB)
- Teritorijos tarp Geguziu, Lieporiu, S. Dariaus ir S. Gireno gatviu Šiauliuose detalusis planas (PDF 887 KB)
- Concept for Integrated Urban Development in the target areas of Siauliai. Summary (PDF 142 KB)
- Tallinn
- Credit and Export Guarantee Fund KredEx
- Baltic Union of Cooperative Housing Associations
- Vilnius
- Partner:
- Housing and Urban Development Agency
- Grodno
- Partner:
- Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Housing Department
- Output:
- Analysis of Potentials and Constraints of the Target Area
- Documents:
- Urb Energy SWOT Grodno (PDF 1 MB)
- Output:
- Integrated urban development concept for the target area
- Documents:
- WP3 Концепция городского развития целевого района Лиды (PDF 973 KB)
- WP3 IUDC for Grodno TA. Summary (PDF 475 KB)
- Piaseczno
- Partner:
- City and County of Piaseczno
- Output:
- Analysis of Potentials and Constraints of the Target Area
- Documents:
- The Concept of Integrated Urban Development of the Area A1MWU - SWOT Analysis (PDF 9 MB)
- Output:
- Integrated urban development concept for the target area
- Documents:
- WP3 Koncepcja Zintegrowanego Rozwoju Urbanistycznego (PDF 1 MB)
- WP3 IUDC for the part of Piaseczno local spatial plan development area A1MWU (PDF 1 MB)
- Berlin
- Centre of Competence for Major Housing Estates
- Output:
- Description of realised integrated urban development concepts in selected areas
- Documents:
- Analyses on Integrated Urban Development Concepts in Berlin. Case Study Berlin (PDF 6 MB)
- Case Study Berlin. Final version (PDF 4 MB)
- German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development
- Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.)
- Potsdam
- Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture
- Output:
- Paper on transnational experiences and lessons learned regarding IUD processes in the target areas
- Documents:
- Evaluation of the IUDC process in the Urb.Energy target areas in the Baltic region (PDF 862 KB)
- Output:
- Energy efficiency in integrated urban development in Brandenburg
- Documents:
- Gutachten 1 MIL Zwischenbilanz 2010 (PDF 2 MB)
- Report 1 MIL Interim 2010 (PDF 5 MB)
- Brochure 1 MIL Interim 2010 (PDF 2 MB)
- Gutachten 2 MIL Perspektiven 2011 (PDF 7 MB)
- Report 2 MIL Perspectives 2011 (PDF 9 MB)
- Broschüre 2 MIL Perspektiven 2011 (PDF 622 KB)
- Brochure 2 MIL Perspectives 2011 (PDF 3 MB)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Potsdam
- Kiel
- Partner:
- Ministry of Science, Economics and Transport, Schleswig-Holstein
- Additional Tools and Documents
- Center of Competence for Major Housing Estates
- Output:
- Guidelines for preparation of SWOT-analyses for neighbourhoods
- Documents:
- Workshop Siauliai UF Reflection 2009 final (PDF 7 MB)
- Housing and Urban Development Agency
- Output:
- Guidelines for preparation of SWOT-analyses for neighbourhoods
- Documents:
- WP3 SWOT analysis-HUDA (PDF 269 KB)
- Main (transnational) outputs
- Partner:
- All project partners
- Output:
- Compendium on national framework conditions regarding urban planning principles
- Documents:
- Compendium of national framework conditions Oct2010 (PDF 896 KB)
- Output:
- Manual on an integrated urban development approach targeting at energy efficient residential areas
- Documents:
- Integrated Urban Development Approach Targeting at Energy Efficient Residential Areas (PDF 3 MB)

Thematic area: Energy efficient renewal (WP4)
- Berlin
- German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development (DV e.V.)
- Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.)
- Center of Competence for Major Housing Estates
- Output:
- Description of Energy Consumption in selected areas
- Documents:
- Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emission Reduction in Kaskelkiez and Frankfurter Allee-Süd (PDF 736 KB)
- Rakvere
- Partner:
- City of Rakvere
- Output:
- Analyses of energy efficiency in typical buildings and of the state of the energy supply infrastructure
- Documents:
- Energy Consumption of Typical Multi-storeyed Houses in Rakvere and Potential Influence Achievable on the Insulation of External Peripheries (PDF 3 MB)
- Tüüpiliste korterelamute senisest energiatarbest ja välispiirete soojustamise võimalikust mõjust (PDF 2 MB)
- Rakvere linna säästva energia kava (PDF 386 KB)
- Rakvere Seminari tänava ja piirkonna tüüpkortermajad fassaadise ideelahenduse arhitektuurivõistlus (PDF 6 MB)
- Output:
- Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure in the TA
- Documents:
- WP4 Korterelamute energiasäästliku rekonstrueerimise ning infrastruktuuri moderniseerimise kontseptsioon (PDF 739 KB)
- WP4 Concept for EER of buildings and modernisation of the supply infrastructure (Summary) (PDF 406 KB)
- Output:
- Short report or technical documentation for the individual projects in the target area
- Documents:
- Elaboration of technical documentation in Rakvere (PDF 144 KB)
- Tallinn
- Credit and Export Guarantee Fund KredEx
- Output:
- Information and awareness raising activities to get the residents informed about the effects of energy efficiency in buildings
- Documents:
- Energy Efficiency in apartment buildings - awareness campaign 2009 (PDF 1 MB)
- Financing energy efficient refurbishment in apartment buildings – awareness campaign 2010 (PDF 241 KB)
- Baltic Union of Cooperative Housing Associations
- Riga
- Partner:
- City of Riga
- Output:
- Analyses of energy efficiency in typical buildings and of the state of the energy supply infrastructure
- Documents:
- DAUDZDZĪVOKĻU ĒKAS JUGLĀ. Multi-apartment buildings in Jugla (lv+en) (PDF 968 KB)
- Output:
- Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure in the target area
- Documents:
- WP4 Eku energoefektivas renovacijas koncepcija Juglai (PDF 5 MB)
- Summary of document “Concept for energy efficient renovation of the building stock of Jugla” (PDF 244 KB)
- Output:
- Short report or technical documentation for the individual projects in the target area
- Documents:
- Sample renovation design for a multi-apartment building of series no. 464 (PDF 691 KB)
- Jelgava
- Partner:
- City of Jelgava
- Output:
- Analyses of energy efficiency in typical buildings and of the state of the energy supply infrastructure
- Documents:
- Analyses of Energy Efficiency of Standard Buildings and Heat Supply Infrastructure in Target Area of Jelgava (PDF 116 KB)
- Output:
- Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure in the target area
- Documents:
- WP4 Daudzstāvu dzīvojamo ēku energoefektivitātes paaugstināšanas koncepcija (PDF 2 MB)
- WP4 EER Concept for Jelgava TA. Summary (PDF 1 MB)
- Output:
- Short report or technical documentation for the individual projects in the target area
- Documents:
- Report on Technical documentations for the individual projects in Jelgava target area (PDF 1 MB)
- Siauliai
- Partner:
- Siauliai City Municipality Administration
- Output:
- Analyses of energy efficiency in typical buildings and of the state of the energy supply infrastructure
- Documents:
- Šiaulių miesto modernizuotų ir nemodernizuotų daugiabučių namų šildzmo kainų lyginamoji analizė bei perspektyvos (PDF 395 KB)
- Output:
- Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure in the Target Area
- Documents:
- WP4 Teritorija tarp Gegužių, Tilžės, J. Sondeckio, S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno gatvių Šiauliuose. SSGG analizė (PDF 1 MB)
- WP4 Teritorija tarp Vytauto, Žemaitės, Miglovaros ir M. Valančiaus gatvių Šiauliuose. SSGG analizė (PDF 1 MB)
- WP4 Summary of the Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure in the target areas of Siauliai (PDF 1 MB)
- Output:
- Short report or technical documentation for the individual projects in the target area
- Documents:
- Report or technical documentations of the target areas in Siauliai DRAFT (PDF 691 KB)
- Vilnius
- Partner:
- Housing and Urban Development Agency
- Grodno
- Partner:
- Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, Housing Department
- Output:
- Analyses of energy efficiency in typical buildings and of the state of the energy supply infrastructure
- Documents:
- Energy supply systems in Grodno region (PDF 167 KB)
- Analysis of EE in three typical buildings and suggested EER measures in Grodno target area (PDF 403 KB)
- Output:
- Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure in the target area
- Documents:
- WP 4 Концепция Энергоэффективной Санации (PDF 430 KB)
- WP4 Concept Grodno Summary (PDF 383 KB)
- Piaseczno
- Partner:
- City and County of Piaseczno
- Output:
- Analyses of energy efficiency in typical buildings and of the state of the energy supply infrastructure
- Documents:
- WP4 The Analyses of EE in typical buildings in Piaseczno TA. Summary (PDF 294 KB)
- Output:
- Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure in the target area
- Documents:
- Koncepcja efektywnej energetycznie modernizacji budynków (PDF 1010 KB)
- The Concept of Energy Efficient Refurbishment of Residential Buildings located in the area A1MWU (PDF 231 KB)
- Output:
- Short report or technical documentation for the individual projects in the target area
- Documents:
- Short report or technical documentation for the individual projects in the target area of Piaseczno (PDF 745 KB)
- Potsdam
- Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture, Brandenburg
- Output:
- Experiences with integrated urban development (with focus on EE) and selected examples of project to raise EE in neighbourhoods
- Documents:
- Project Profiles (PDF 3 MB)
- Projektsteckbriefe (PDF 3 MB)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Output:
- Concept for EER of buildings and modernization of the supply infrastructure
- Documents:
- WP4 Concept for the application of renewable energy sources in selected residential buildings "Biogas for Potsdam". Summary (PDF 747 KB)
- Output:
- Surveys and evaluation of most suitable renewable energy resources and technologies for selected areas in Brandenburg
- Documents:
- Energieeffizienz und erneuerbare Energien in Stadtquartieren - Best Practice Beispiele aus dem Land Brandenburg (PDF 1 MB)
- Energy efficiency and renewable energies in urban quarters - Best practice examples from Brandenburg Land (PDF 3 MB)
- Kiel
- Partner:
- Ministry of Science, Economics and Transport, Schleswig-Holstein
- Main (transnational) outputs
- Partner:
- All project partners
- Output:
- Manual on holistic strategies for EER of the housing stock and renewal of the related energy supply system
- Documents:
- Holistic Strategies for Energy Efficient Refurbishment of the Housing Stock and Renewal of the Related Energy Supply System (PDF 8 MB)

Thematic area: Innovative financial schemes (WP5)
- Tallinn
- Credit and Export Guarantee Fund KredEx
- Output:
- Information and awareness raising activities about possibilities to finance energy efficient refurbishment of apartment buildings
- Documents:
- Financing energy efficient refurbishment in apartment buildings – awareness campaign 2011 (PDF 465 KB)
- Output:
- Campaign follow-up survey on effects of implemented information and awareness raising activities in Estonia
- Documents:
- Campaign preliminary survey report (PDF 632 KB)
- Campaign follow-up survey report (PDF 607 KB)
- Output:
- Final Estonian awareness campaign on energy efficient refurbishment of apartment buildings
- Documents:
- Summary of renovation campaign of apartment buildings (PDF 598 KB)
- Baltic Union of Cooperative Housing Associations
- Rakvere
- Partner:
- City of Rakvere
- Riga
- Partner:
- City of Riga
- Jelgava
- Partner:
- City of Jelgava
- Vilnius
- Partner:
- Housing and Urban Development Agency
- Siauliai
- Partner:
- Siauliai City Municipality Administration
- Grodno
- Partner:
- Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, Housing Department
- Piaseczno
- Partner:
- City and County Piaseczno
- Berlin
- German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development (DV e.V.)
- Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.)
- Center of Competence for Major Housing Estates
- Potsdam
- Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture, Brandenburg
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Potsdam
- Kiel
- Partner:
- Ministry of Science, Economics and Transport, Schleswig-Holstein
- Main (transnational) outputs
- Partner:
- All project partners
- Output:
- Compendium about financing sources on national and European level in the participating countries
- Documents:
- Paper on financing sources on national and European level (public and private) (PDF 144 KB)
- Output:
- Report on appropriate financing schemes for energy efficient urban development measures based on the IUDCs for the TAs
- Documents:
- WP5 Report Financing-schemes for TAs (PDF 159 KB)
- Output:
- Interim Report on national financing schemes and mechanisms with consideration of EU-funds
- Documents:
- Interim Report (PDF 407 KB)
- Output:
- Guideline for innovative use of EU (structural) funds for measures in the housing sector and deprived urban areas
- Documents:
- Guidelines for Innovative Use of EU Funds for Measures in the Housing Sector and Deprived Urban Areas (PDF 5 MB)

Overall project outputs
- Tallinn
- Credit and Export Guarantee Fund KredEx
- Baltic Union of Cooperative Housing Associations
- Siauliai
- Partner:
- City of Siauliai
- Vilnius
- Partner:
- Housing and Urban Development Agency
- Berlin
- Centre of Competence for Major Housing Estates
- Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.)
- Center of Competence for Major Housing Estates
- Rakvere
- Partner:
- City of Rakvere
- Riga
- Partner:
- City of Riga
- Jelgava
- Partner:
- City of Jelgava
- Grodno
- Partner:
- Grodno Oblast Executive Committee Housing Department
- Piaseczno
- Partner:
- City and County of Piaseczno
- Potsdam
- Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Potsdam
- Kiel
- Partner:
- Ministry of Science, Economics and Transport, Schleswig-Holstein
- Overall project outputs
- Partner:
- All project partners
- Output:
- Compendium of framework conditions for energy efficient and integrated urban development planning
- Documents:
- Compendium of national framework conditions Oct2010 (PDF 915 KB)
- Output:
- Evaluation of the IUDC process in the Urb.Energy target areas in the Baltic region
- Documents:
- Evaluation of the IUDC process in the Urb.Energy target areas in the Baltic region (PDF 862 KB)
- Output:
- Policy Paper
- Documents:
- Policy Recommendations. Energy efficient urban areas and neighbourhoods - A contribution to liveable and competitive cities (en+de) (PDF 8 MB)

Explore the map and partner outputs with your mouse!
First, choose one of the four thematic areas. Second, choose the partner city and click on the orange spot to see the outputs (transnational border is yellow). By clicking on the entire map (transnational border is orange) you see the transnational outputs.
Place/Partner(s) with outputs
Place/Partner(s) without outputs
URB.Energy project area
Additional tools and documents
Description of the output
Document title
Work in progress: Approaches for energy efficient neighbourhoods
In October 2009, Urb.Energy started the analysis of potentials and constraints of residential areas in the Baltic Sea Region regarding energy efficiency and urban development. Based on on-site findings and the knowledge exchange among the different partner organizations the project partners will develop approaches for the energy efficient upgrading of residential neighbourhoods within the framework of integrated urban development concepts.
The project focuses on the preparation of integrated concepts for specific target areas and the documentation of experiences in two case studies. In parallel, all project partners develop joint conclusions and recommendations from the transnational perspective.
The present webpage displays the currently available results of the project and the three thematic working areas. The results are assorted and displayed by project partner.